"RT-FaQ" is a modern musical artifact bound to be discovered by today's contemporary music archaeologists.
Ramel "RT-FaQ" Prince was born into adversity in East St. Louis during the late 80's. At 2 months old, both parents were incarcerated and at 2 years old young he was struck by a vehicle while crossing the street – breaking his leg.
The family moved to Minneapolis after his mother returned from prison which would be the first of several moves and would lead RT-FaQ to discover his love of music via drum lessons and an old VHS tape of a Michael Jackson concert. In High School, basketball became the priority for Ramel and music took a backseat. After graduating he moved back to East St. Louis and attended community college for a short stint before heading on to New Orleans where Bourbon Street reignited Ramel's passion for music. Recording on a small notebook computer with a closet-studio, he found himself quickly drawing the adoration of local supporters.
RT-FaQ would eventually return to East St. Louis where he would continue to refine his craft. Growing into performing shows 3-4 times per week he quickly built relationships with other artists, including his Doorway associate – Nick Menn. The two recorded their first single On & On which was just the beginning of several collaborations and a musical enedeavor that continues to go On & On...